Name and headquarters
Article 1
The “European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counselling”
(ESVDC) is a non-profit association governed by the present statutes and,
secondarily, by Articles 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code.
Article 2
2.1. The society’s headquarters are located at the University of Lausanne.
2.2. The society shall be of unlimited duration.

Article 3
The society aims to stimulate and promote European and international
collaboration in research and development in the fields of life-designing,
vocational guidance and career counselling.

Article 4
4.1. Any person may request to join, if, through their commitment or actions,
they have proved their attachment to the aims of the association.
4.2. Requests to become a member must be addressed to the Executive
Committee (EC). The EC admits new members and decides on the type of
membership. The EC informs the General Assembly accordingly.
4.3. There are two types of membership: full members and associate
members. Full members are full researchers working in an academic
environment or a recognised research centre or are practitioners with a
proven research record who are working in collaboration with an existing
research centre. Associate members are young starting researchers, e.g.,
PhD-students, or practitioners starting research activities and working under
supervision of a research centre.
4.4. Associate members can after, establishing a research output, apply at
any time to become an full member. They need to submit an application to the
4.5. Membership ceases:
a) on death;
b) by written resignation notified to the Committee at least six months before
the end of the financial year;
c) by exclusion ordered by the Committee, for just cause, with a right of
appeal to the General Assembly. Appeals must be lodged within 30 days of
the Committee’s decision being notified;
d) for non-payment of dues for more than one year.

Article 5
The Society’s organs are:
a) The General Assembly,
b) The Executive Committee,
c) The Auditor.
Article 6
6.1. The General Assembly is the Society’s supreme authority. It is composed
of all the full members with the associate members as observers. Only the full
members have voting rights.
6.2. It shall hold an Full Meeting once each year. It may also meet in
extraordinary session whenever necessary, by decision of the Executive
Committee or at the request of one-fifth of the full members.
6.3. The General Assembly shall be considered valid regardless of the number
of full members present.
6.4. The General Assembly shall:
a) approve the admission and expulsion of members;
b) elect the members of the Executive Committee;
c) note and adopt the reports and financial statements for the year;
d) approve the annual budget;
e) fix the annual membership fees;
f) appoint an auditor for the society’s accounts;
g) decide on any modification of statutes;
h) decide on the dissolution of the society.
6.5. Decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by a majority vote of
the full members present. If requested by at least five full members, they take
place by secret ballot. In case of deadlock, the President shall have the
casting vote.
6.6. Decisions concerning the amendment of the Statutes and the dissolution
of the Society must be approved by a two-third majority of the full members
Article 7
7.1. The Executive Committee (EC) is authorized to carry out all acts that
further the purposes of the society.
7.2. All full members who domicile and work in Europe are eligible to run for
membership of the Executive Committee. Not more than two EC-members
may come from the same country.
7.3. The Executive Committee is composed of:
each of them is elected by the General Assembly by secret ballot and by a
majority vote of the full members present. Each member’s term of office shall
last for 3 years and is renewable for one term.
7.4. The Committee members act voluntarily and can only be compensated
for their effective and travel costs.
7.5. The Committee meets as often as required.
7.6. The EC is authorized to manage the society’s business. All decisions shall
be taken by a majority vote of the EC members present. In case of deadlock,
the President shall have the casting vote.
7.7. The society shall be validly bound by the joint signature of two members
of the Executive Committee.
7.8. The Executive Committee shall send notice of the annual meeting to
members at least six weeks in advance. The convocation, including the
proposed agenda, shall be sent to each member at least 10 days prior to the
date of the meeting.
Article 8
8.1. The Auditor appointed by the General Assembly shall audit the Society’s
accounts every year.
8.2. The treasurer is responsible for the finances of the society.
8.3. The financial year shall begin on 1st of January and end on 31st of
December of each year.

Article 9
9.1. The society’s resources come from membership fees and, on occasion,
private or public subsidies, donations, legacies or any other resources
authorized by the law.
9.2. The funds shall be used in conformity with the society’s aims. Only the
assets of the Society may be used to meet commitments. Members have no
individual responsibility.
Article 10
In the case of the society being dissolved, the assets should be allotted to a
non-profit organisation pursuing goals of public interest similar to those of the
society. The goods cannot be returned to the founders or members, nor be
used to their own profit.

The present Statutes have been approved by the Constituent General
Assembly of September 11, 2011 at Padova (Italy).

For the Society

Jean Pierre Dauwalder                       Laura Nota
President                                            Secretary