
ESVDC supports and collaborates with:


ECADOC – Europeam Doctoral programme in Career Guidance and Counselling
The European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance and Counselling (ECADOC) aims to train future academic and practitioner leaders in the field of career guidance and counselling to become interdisciplinary researchers with strong leadership and teaching competences. The programme is a joint initiative of the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC) and the Foundation of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE Foundation), and is supported by higher education institutions from more than 10 European countries.


NICE – Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe
NICE is an open European network for the academic training of people who practice career guidance and counselling (career practitioners). All academic training providers from European and neighbouring contries are invited to join the NICE community. The open, informal network of NICE currently comprises representatives of more then 50 higher education institutions from more than 30 European countries.
NICE is organised through the NICE Foundation. All academic programs for the training of career practitioners in Europe, as well as supporting organisations and people are invited to become founders of NICE.

ESVDC collaborates also with other National and International associations and institutions 

International Associations

– International Association for Applied Psychology (IAAP)

– International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG/AIOSP)

National Associations

– FRANCE: Association des conseillers d’orientation psychologues de France  (ACOP)

– GERMANY: Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung (nfb)

– ITALY: Società Italiana per l’Orientamento (Sio)

– UK: National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC)

– USA: Society for Vocational Psychology (SVP)

– USA: American Association of Psychology, (APA)

– USA: Division 17 – Counseling Psychology

– USA: National Career Development Association (NCDA)


– CEDEFOP European Center for the Development of Vocational

– INETOP-CNAM Institut National d’Etude du Travail et de l’Orientation

– IBW-HEIDELBERG Institut für Bildungswissenschaft der Universität

– LaRIOS-PADOVA Laboratorio di Ricerca ed Intervento per
l’Orientamento alla Scelta

CePCO-UNIL Research Center in Vocational Psychology and Career Counseling of the University of Lausanne