October 17, 2024, 3:15-6pm (CEST) 4th ESVDC Webinar – ADDRESSING DIGNIFIED WORK IN CAREER GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING The notion of dignity, broadly defined as “our inherent value and worth” (Hicks, 2018), is increasingly referred to as a purpose of career guidance and counseling (CGC). Intuitively, promoting dignity in and at work (Bolton, 2007) suggests more ambitious goals than simply providing access to decent work. The idea underlying the promotion of dignified work is that, in addition to decent working conditions, people can also aspire to access meaningful work (Blustein et al., 2023). While appealing and underpinning noble intentions, this concept remains poorly circumscribed and operationalized in our field. Yet, to truly promote dignified work, it is essential to clearly define what it is, how to address it, and what its components and characteristics are.

ESVDC webinar 2024_Program

 October 19, 2023, 3:15 – 5:50 p.m. (CEST) 3rd ESVDC Webinar – ADVOCACY IN CAREER GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING: International perspectives
The 2023 ESVDC webinar aims to further pursue the critical, transnational, and comparative perspectives that characterized its first and second webinars. Vocational psychologists and career counselors are increasingly considered key players in promoting social inclusion, with advocacy counseling emerging as an appropriate intervention approach to support clients struggling with systemic barriers. However, both research findings and the experiences of advocacy-oriented career guidance and counseling (CGC) remain rather fragmented. The 2023 ESVDC webinar will seek to broaden the understanding of what CGC research states about advocacy counseling, as well as to pave the way for operational and effective advocacy interventions in the career field.ESVDC webinar 2023_Program



September 29, 2022 2nd ESVDC Webinar – Career Guidance and Counseling and Migration Challenges: The Point of View of International ScholarsThe ESVDC is more than ever trying to promote and advocate for a more human needs approach to career guidance and counseling. One of the most important contemporary and future challenges is inequality. Poverty and conflicts, linked with global/local relation to the world, lead to migration. This second seminar will then focus on how countries deal with migration challenges, from the point of view of vocational designing and career counseling.Program


Voices from Australia

Voices from Brazil

Voices from France

Voices from Germany

Voices from Italy

Voices from Portugal

Voices from Switzerland


October 7, 2021 1st ESVDC Webinar – Next Generation EU: How to contribute? The Voice of Scholars in EuropeVoices from Cyprus

Voices from Greece

Voices from Italy

Voices from Portugal (Draft)

Voices from Switzerland

Voices from Belgium

Voices from France

June 7-8, 2021 The International Labour Conference                                                          Geneva, Switzerland

The agenda of this conference will include items on inequalities and the world of work, social protection for a fair globalization, and skills and lifelong learning.

Dec.13-17, 2020
Cancun, Mexico
In response to the continuing COVID-19 Pandemic, the Executive Committee of IAAP has made the decision to turn the Centennial Congress of Applied Psychology into a virtual meeting.

Two invited symposiums will occur under the patronage of ESVDC:

1. Career counseling with disadvantaged populations

2. Career counseling: From research to practice
March 5-7, 2020 Unitwin International Seminar
Lausanne, Switzerland
Full Program (PDF)
Flyer UniTwin Seminar (PDF)ESVDC Award ceremony, March 6, 9.45-10.15
ESVDC General Assembly, March 7, 9.15-10.15
Venue and Agenda


July 2-5, 2019 16th European Congress of Psychology
Moscow, Russia
Joint symposium Unitwin Network – ESVDC on the topic of “Emerging adults and relationship to work in different parts of the world”
Presentations within the symposium:

  1. French emerging adults, qualified or not, in vulnerable situations: life-design, relationship to work and occupational integration, by Laurence Cocandeau-Bellanger, Soazig Disquay-Perot, Angel Egido, Catholic University of Angers, Cnam-CRTD, Hesam Université, France
  2. Group career construction counselling with students from disadvantaged communities, by Kobus G. Maree, University of Pretoria, South-Africa
  3. “Emerging precariousness” from the inside: Low qualified young adults’ narratives about job insecurity, by Jonas Masdonati, Jérôme Rossier, Laurence Fedrigo, and Robin Zufferey, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  4. Career stories of Italian young adults in precarious situations and their inclusive and sustainable aspects, by Laura Nota, Maria Cristina Ginevra, Sara Santilli, Ilaria Di Maggio & Salvatore Soresi, University of Padova, Italy
  5. This is not a future job. Representations of decent work among young people with low employment skills, by Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir, University of Iceland
  6. Discussion, by Jacques Pouyaud, University of Bordeaux

ESVDC General Assembly, July 4th (13.00-14,30)


5-7, 2018

Krakow, PolandFor more information on the conference, please visit the websiteThe ESVDC General Assembly has been planned on september 6th.ESVDC symposiumEmerging issues in career counseling: Challenges for intervention and training. Chair: prof. Jonas Masdonati, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Discussant: prof. Laura Nota, University of Padova, Italy


5-7, 2017
Counseling and Support International Conference
Decent Work, Equity and Inclusion
Padova, ItalyThe ESVDC General Assembly has been planned on october 6th.For more information, please visit the website of the conference


June 6-8, 2016

International scientific conference: Career and Life Design interventions for sustainable development and decent work
Wroclaw, Poland

Presentation of the conference

Provisional program of the conference

Registration Form for Symposium

Registration Form for Workshop


ESVDC symposiumGuidance and counseling promoting decent work: old problems, new challenges. Chair: Prof. Maria Eduarda Duarte, University of Lisbon, Portugal

ECADOC symposiumThe European Doctoral School ECADOC: Roots, Present and Future. Chair: Prof. Jerome Rossier, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

June 30- July 2, 2016 NCDA Annual Conference
Chicago, Illiois USA
July 24-29, 2016 31st International Congress of Psychology
Yyokohama, Japan
ESVDC symposiumLife Design dimensions and interventions for a challenging future. Chair: Prof. Jerome Rossier, University of Lausanne, Switzerland & Prof. Laura Nota, University of Padova, Italy
ECADOC symposiumTraining top-notch, innovative, international doctoral researchers with a joint doctoral program: Case of European Doctoral Programme on Career Guidance and Counseling. Chair: Prof. Valerie Cohen-Scali, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (Cnam) Institut National d’etude du Travail et d’orientation Professionnelle (Inetop), France
August 4-7, 2016 APA Convention
Denver USA
September 5-10, 2016 Third ECADOC Summer School
Lausanne, Switzerland
May   28-30, 2015 6th NICE Conference
Bratislava, SlovakiaThe role of ESVDC at the Conference
Symposia organized in the Conference
ESVDC General Assembly 2015
June 29-July 4, 2015 Second ECADOC Summer School